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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

In the pages of “Historical-Philological Journal” issues of the history, literature, language, art and culture, philosophy of Armenian people, theoretical questions of historiography, general philology and Armenology, the political, economic and cultural ties of Armenian people with other nations are elucidated.
The journal has segments for articles, reports, discussions and debates, publications, reviews, our honoured workers, our jubilees, scientfic life and news. Articles are published in Armenian and Russian in the journal with appropriate summaries and free of charge.
The periodical is published once for 4 months, 3 issues a year, the volume for each issue is 20 printing press (320 pages).
The official webpage of the Journal:
The email of the Journal:,

1. The volume of the article should be up to 15 pages (in case of larger volume with the decision of the Editorial), the width of the text – 12.5 cm, length – 21 cm, line spacing - at least 1.3 cm.
2. The Armenian text should be in “Grqee Nor” font type, italic, the highlighted text (word) should be straight, with 12 font size, the Russian text should be in “Times New Roman” with 11.5 font size.
3. The title of the article should be in “Arial Armenian” font type, with CAPITAL LETTERS (the font size of Armenian text – 12, Russian text – 11), is put in the centre, and below it – the name and surname of the author in CAPITAL LETTERS (Armenian with “Grqee Nor” font type, the sizes – 11, Russian – “Times New Roman”, font size – 10).
4. In the next line the “Key words” – at least 10 words or word combinations (straight).
5. The summaries placed at the end of the article should have a brief content of the text (half of a page or 6-7 sentences). If the article is in Armenian then the summaries should be both in Russian and English. The font size for Armenian and English – 11.5, for Russian – 11.
6. Before the text of the summaries the title of the article should be written with CAPITAL LETTERS (font size: 11), below – the name and surname of the author (in the centre) with CAPITAL LETTERS. In the centre of the next line, accordingly the words of «Ամփոփում», «Резюме», “Summary” are written in separate letters, with the font size of 10. Before each text of summary, the “Key words” are accordingly written in the given language, and the font size should be the same as the text of summary. The “Key words” should be identical in all languages.
7. At the end of the text of the article, brief information about the author (authors) are written – the scientific degree, workplace, the scope of scientific interests, the quantity of the published works, after which the list of the used literature is placed in Latin transliteration (in alphabetical order).
8. After the summary in Russian, the information about the author is placed in Russian, and accordingly, after the summary in English – the English one.

a) The font size for footnotes; Armenian – 11, Russian – 10.5, other languages – 11.
b) In case of a reference to a book, the initial letter of the author’s name and his/her surname in separate letters are written, after which a semicolon is put, then there come the title of the book without quotation marks, and with separated commas, the place, date and page of the publication.
c) In case of collections of articles, firstly the title of the used article is mentioned, a semicolon and a dash are put, then the title of the collection of articles, the data of the editor or the compiler, the place, date and page of the publication are written.
d) In case of referred journals, the name and surname of the article’s author, title are given, then a semicolon and a dash are put, the name of the journal, the place, date, issue and page of the publication are mentioned in quotation marks.
e) In case of newspapers, the name of the paper, then the place and date are mentioned in brackets (for example 01.II.1998). The aforementioned points concern the references also in Russian and other languages.
f) In case of references made to websites, the data of the article or the author of the article as well as the title are mentioned, then a semicolon and a dash are put, subsequently the website address is mentioned.
The articles are reviewed and in case of refusal they are not returned.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.